Landi renzo omegas direct
Landi renzo omegas direct

landi renzo omegas direct

Chiede come tarare manualmente l'impainto e come farlo. Contact LR Technical office A3 1197cc TFSI 77 105 CBZB E5 SIMOS 1013 OMEGAS DIRECT DI110638. Dijagnostika za autogas sistem Landi-Renzo OmegasTel 0638665836. Il nostro amico qui chiede lumi su un impianto Landi Renzo Omegas GPL su una Daewoo Nubira (1.6 16v), chiede come calibrare al meglio l'impianto perche' non e' molto soddisfatto con i consumi che giudica eccessivi, ovvero da 7l/100km a benzina a 9.3l/100km a gpl. The LANDIRENZO OMEGAS DIRECT system represents a new evolution of the conventional sequential natural gas system. :) Zastosowane komponenty to: Sterownik Omegas Direct DI-60. Bezporedni wtrysk paliwa nie by adnym problemem.

landi renzo omegas direct

I don't actually know the solution to your problem, I'm about to get a 2003 Alfa 147 with a Landi system, so maybe I'll be able to help you in a few weeks, in the meantime I'm translating here for others to help: Dwustu konna Alfa Romeo Giulia z 2017 roku zostaa wzbogacona o instalacj Landirenzo Omegas Direct. I didn't find a English corner on your forum but if there are English speakers any help is apreciated. I want to do further adjusments because i'm not very satisfied with the fuel consumption (from 7l/100km in gas to 9.3l/100km LPG). I would like to know what is the optimum way to calibrate the system, what the rail pressure should be and how am i supose to manually calibrate it (taking into account what factors). I have a Landi Renzo Omegas LPG (GPL) system mounted on my 2005 Daewoo Nubira (1.6 16v). KIT LPG 2-4C LI10 OMEGAS DIRECT 604710694 Injector Rail 4C GI25 25-20 P/T Bosch (Lss) 238142000 SCHEDAScheme Ref: LRxID14T10CAVALss-AG002 Audi A3 1598CC FSI 85 (116) E4 Bosch MED 9.5.10 KIT LPG 2-4C LI10 OMEGAS DIRECT 604710694 Injector Rail 4C GI25 25-20 P/T Bosch (Lss. Centralele GPL din componena instalaiei GPL auto Landi Renzo Omegas Direct ( AEB 3000, DI 108, DI 60) sunt asambate în carcase metalice i beneficiaz de rezisten ridicat la praf, temperaturi înalte i ap potrivit standardului IP6K9K. Centrul Naional de Pregtire i Montaj GPL Auto Landi Renzo a fost inaugurat in vara anului 2015 i este un proiect al Proeco Gas Systems, importator al instalaiilor gpl auto Landi Renzo.Este un service modern, multifuncional, asigurând atât instruiri tehnice i practice pentru personalul unitilor service din ar autorizate pentru montajul i mentenana instalaiilor GPL.

Landi renzo omegas direct